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Ivčk je napisal/-a:Organic fungicide
All you will need for this all around general fungicide is;
- a gallon jug full of water
- 1 Tbs baking soda
- 2 1/2 Tbs vegetable oil
Add all the ingredients into the jug and shake it well. After your done add 1/2 tsp of pure castile soap.
Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and your ready to go.
While spraying your plants, make sure you keep shaking the bottle to keep the mix from separating. Spray both the top and bottom of leaves as well as the soil around the infected plant. Repeat every 7 days.
This baking soda spray can be used to treat anthrocnose, early tomato blight, leaf blight and spots, as well as powdery mildew.
miya je napisal/-a:Ivčk, najlepša hvala, si me potolažila. Bom pognojila foliarno takoj jutri.
Veš fige so na morju preverjeno zrele. Sem bila prejšnji teden v Dalmaciji in jih vsako jutro zajtrkovala, dobro! Avgusta pa spet grem, jih bomo sušili, če bo dovolj sonca.
Res lep sončen dopust ti želim. Seveda pa veš, da te bomo nestrpno čakali
Ivčk je napisal/-a:Black Russian ti bo že kmalu zrel??Ja, kdaj si pa sejal in ven sadil?
labia je napisal/-a:evo ena spletna stran, ali ima kdo kaj izkušenj z naročanjem iz ZDA, kolikor sem videl imajo na izbiro praktično vse....se pripravljam za naslednje leto:
http://www.tomatofest.com/heirloom_toma ... _home.html
oziroma, da bo lažje:
http://store.tomatofest.com/Tomato_Seed ... 08_s/2.htm
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