Central European Jamboree 2012

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Central European Jamboree 2012

OdgovorNapisal/-a scegy » 18 maj 2012, 11:14


s prijateljem Petrom iz Madžarske organizirava tri dnevne delavnice, srečanje na temo Akvaponike, Permakulture in ekološkega gojenja zelenjave. Če koga zanima se mi lahko priključi ko štartam iz Ljubljane.

Central European Aquaponic Jamboree 2012
15-17. june 2012

Kerekestelepi Thermal Bath & Camping – Debrecen – Hungary

The goal:
The goal of the jamboree is to meet echother, and to provide more information for those who are interested in aquaponics. The invited speakers are each respected experts of their profession and their presentations will help to promote the organic and simple agricultural production system – the aquaponics.
As a part of the event’s agenda each participant will build a model aquaponic system. All these participants will therefore become ambassadors of aquaponics and healthy food as they are entitled to offer the prepared model educational systems for a primary school of their choice.

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