hejte kaj mi lahko kdo to okvirno prevede? mislmi saj razumem ang ampak pri meni se nikoli ne ve ker sem res antitalent za jezike
If the seeds appear dry, soak them in warm water for a few days.
For sowing, use peat cocofibre, or similar media. It should be moist not wet. Take a fistful. If you can JUST squezze a coupe of drops of water from it, then it's about right. If you get more, then it is too wet. If less, then add a little water and try again. Combine the seeds with the moist mixture. Dusting with a fungicide, such as captan, may be helpful. Put the seeds and mixture into a ziploc bag, label with species and date them seal. No light is requeired for germination.
Tropical species such as Licuala, Bismarekia or Cyrtostachy require plenty of warmth around 90-95F. temperate species such as Trachyearpus, Ceroxyion or Parajubaca will germinate at ambient temperature and heat my actually prevent germination. Check weekly for sings of activity, by looking for white roots through the plastic. Ensure that the medium does not dry out. Seeds take anything from 2 weeks to 2 years to germinate, however most will sprout after 4-6 weeks.
After sprouting put the new plants into deep, individual pots using the same medium, label and place in medium light. Aim to keep the soil moist at all times and feed and pot on as required.
hvala vam lepa me že firbec mantra kar bo iz tega zrastlo če pa je kdo že ta text prevajal pa mi naj prosim pove ker jaz ga nisem zasledil in upam da nebo kdo jezen če je isti!