Nimam pojma o vzgoji se pa pogledala v knjigo Orhids for everyone, kjer sicer piše zelo malo a bolje to kot nič:
Knjiga je v angleščini in zadev ne bom prevajala, da se kaj ne izgubi s prevodom. Avtor v večini govori o vzgoji v rastlinjaku toda tudi iz tega lahko kaj potegneš upam:
Many growers of cool-hous plants such as ontoglossums, most dendrobiums, some laelias and encyclias, do not apply water to the pots during the winter, particularly with the spicies that are partially or completely resting. Instead, the plants are spreyed overhed during periods of bright weather, to prevent desiccation and to counteract the drying effect of the heating system (Kramer 1997: 83).
Opinion is much divided as to whether this is a genus of its own right, but meny now accept it to be so and species hithero included under the generic names of Epidendrum and others are today often listed as Encyclia. They come mainly from Mexico.
The plants shuld be grown in the cool or intermediate house, with good shading during the summer. A well-drained compost, such as fir birk, is preferable, because the plants should never be too wet at the root; indeed, owerwatering kills many of these plants (Kramer 1997: 187)
Kramer, Jack
Orhids for everyone. Salamander book: London.
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